Sunday, 10 February 2019

Tank Traps at Testwood

Wandering about the other day and I came across these "Dragon's Teeth" near Testwood lakes, next to one of the bridges:

It struck me as an unusual place to install these things? Perhaps they were expecting invading Nazi troops to make their way up the River Test under the cover of darkness and unload their equipment inland, thus avoiding costal defences?

Does anyone know of any other WW2 relics in the Totton area? Let me know in the comments section below.

1 comment:

  1. Many air raid shelters still remain in the Totton area. Most obvious is the bright green building by the footbridge on the bypass. Also a pair of pill boxes at Redbridge, under the bridge on the Salisbury line.


On the move...

As some of you may know I was elected (unopposed) at the recent local elections to Totton Town Councillor. In order to keep everything in ...