Wednesday, 6 March 2019

101 does work!

I keep hearing people say that they didn't bother calling Police on 101 to report an incident because "they don't do anything".

Well, I called 101 a few days back to report a "suspicious incident".

Received a voicemail the following day to say the neighbourhood team had been informed, sadly no one was found, but patrols would be altered to cover the area in question for a while. Maybe they'll come across the scallywags another evening and catch them red handed - I hope so. Personally, I couldn't really ask for more from the Police - what else could they do under the circumstances?

The police *do* listen and *do* take action but can only do so if we report it. I think maybe they fall down a little on keeping the public up to date. I can see why this isn't top priority for them, given their workloads, but I know how frustrating it is for us, the public.

On the move...

As some of you may know I was elected (unopposed) at the recent local elections to Totton Town Councillor. In order to keep everything in ...